歌曲《Aloha (再见) 》- Møme/Merryn Jeann
Written by:Merryn Boller/Jérémy Souillart
So lover where#39;s your fate
Have you moved
It#39;s been a while since I#39;ve had this good
#39;Cause with love gave you something gold
Saw you wrap it all up and take it
Suddenly sorry suddenly as I feel
You are free now so now
Suddenly sorry suddenly as I feel
You are free now go
All you have to give
The aloha the aloha
The aloha the aloha
Things you found you feel it younger
And you begin to wonder
What is it you want to love
What is it you want to love
What is it you want to love
Suddenly sorry suddenly as I feel
You are free now so now
Suddenly sorry suddenly as I feel
You are free now go
All you have to give
The aloha the aloha
The aloha the aloha
You release you give yourself away
To the rhythms of the world
Adored by the sun rays
What#39;s left to do to feel it all
Your life now to die as dust
Nothing less or something more
Something more
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