1.  > 电影主题曲

玛丽外宿中主题曲(玛丽外宿中歌曲super star)

玛丽外宿中主题曲(玛丽外宿中歌曲super star)


  1. 玛丽外宿中第八集,张根硕唱的那首歌叫什么阿,就是女主角拿个白菜跟着跳舞那集?


  那首歌是lt;拜托了,My Busgt;


  Like crazy Just Run Run Run Running

  Go Go 부탁해 My Bus To the Stage

  My Heart is Beat Beat Beat Beating

  Boom Boom 심장까지 들려오는 허리케인 사운드

  높이 Jump Jump Jump 파란 하늘 위로

  멀리 Quick Quick Quick

  달려가는 거야 Start You and I

  날이 선 머리끝 흐린 Telepathy

  날 조이는 꿈 (I'm crazy now)

  달콤한 Jasmine 향 또 반복되는 Stress

  I want to be free

  꿈의 Paradise OH OHOH

  그곳으로 갈 테야 My friend

  Don't think Just run OH OHOH

  꿈꾸는 나의 바다로

  Like crazy Just Run Run Run Running

  Go Go 부탁해 My Bus To the Stage

  My Heart is Beat Beat Beat Beating

  Boom Boom 심장까지 들려오는 허리케인 사운드

  높이 Jump Jump Jump 파란 하늘 위로

  멀리 Quick Quick Quick

  달려가는 거야 Start You and I

  Never to fall down

  지독한 연기 늘 멍한 Television

  날 깨우는 Noise (I'm tired now)

  쓰디쓴 혀끝과 또 꿈틀대는 Strain

  I want to be free

  꿈의 Blue Sky OH OHOH

  그곳으로 갈 테야 My friend

  새처럼 Fly to the sky

  너의 날개를 타고

  Like crazy Just Run Run Run Running

  Go Go 부탁해 My Bus To the Stage

  My Heart is Beat Beat Beat Beating

  Boom Boom 심장까지 들려오는 허리케인 사운드

  높이 Jump Jump Jump 파란 하늘 위로

  멀리 Quick Quick Quick 달려가는 거야

  Just Run Run Run Never to fall down

  부탁해 My Bus

  Never to fall down

  부탁해 My Bus

  【拜托了,My Bus】中文歌词

  like crazy just

  run run run running

  go go 拜托了 my bus

  to the stage

  my heart is

  best best best besting

  boom boom 心脏都传来hurricane sound

  高处jump jump jump


  向远处quick quick quick

  奔跑吧start you and i


  带着我的梦(I'm carzy now)



  i want to be free

  梦的Paradise oh

  我就是要去那个地方my friend

  DON't think just run OH


  like crazy just

  run run run running

  go go 拜托了 my bus

  to the stage

  my heart is

  best best best besting

  boom boom 心脏都传来hurricane sound

  高处jump jump jump


  向远处quick quick quick

  奔跑吧start you and i

  Never to fall down


  叫醒我的Noise I'm tired now


  i want to be free

  梦的Blue sky oh

  我就是要去那个地方my friend

  像小鸟一样fly to the sky


  like crazy just

  run run run running

  go go 拜托了 my bus

  to the stage

  my heart is

  best best best besting

  boom boom 心脏都传来hurricane sound

  高处jump jump jump


  向远处quick quick quick

  奔跑吧 just run run run

  Never to fall down

  拜托了 My Bus

  Never to fall down

  拜托了 My Bus

  Never to fall down

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